November 2017

windows 10 tips tricks
Windows 10 Tips and Tricks

Though in many ways Windows 8 was an extremely forward thinking operating system, many users found it too much of a radical departure from the Windows experience they knew and loved. Thankfully Microsoft was listening, and with Windows 10 it has created an OS that feels both familiar and futuristic. 
           From the return of the Start menu to the introduction of the new Edge web browser, Windows 10 is packed with brilliant features, abilities and apps that aim to make your computing experience as compelling as possible. But while Windows 10 is absolutely accessible to newcomers and veterans alike, some of its more powerful settings and features may not be immediately apparent.That’s where Windows 10 Tips, Tricks & Apps comes in.
             In this bookazine we’ll talk you through how to get the most out of Microsoft’s built-in apps, how to tweak the OS to fi t your needs and which of the thousands of apps available from the Windows Store are really worth your time.Welcome to Windows 10


search engine optimization

Welcome to the Search Engine Optimization Bible

Search engine optimization has come to mean a lot of things to a lot of different people. In the strictest sense, SEO is about the on-page and off-page design strategies you can use to improve your search engine ranking. This usually means tweaking your web site, using design elements and content. And in most cases, it also means spending no money at all.
                  SEM, or Search Engine Marketing, is not just SEO. More accurately, SEM includes PPC or pay-per click advertising. Search engine marketing is about doing whatever you need to do to ensure that
your web site ranks as high as possible in search engine results. This means not only that you make
the needed changes to your web-site design, but that you also employ other tactics, like using a paid
advertising program or investing in content strategies.
          I lump them all into one category. The ultimate goal of SEM is to bring more people to your website. And you can do that by improving your search engines results. You can also do that by taking advantage of a growing phenomenon on the Web, social media. Social media is a viral form of sharing information on the Web. You might think of it as a more sophisticated method of sharing your
favorites or information that you think will interest other people. And using social media to improve
the traffic to your web site is called Social Media Marketing, or SMM.
        I vote we do away with the alphabet soup completely. All these marketing efforts have one thing in common: reaching your target audience. And today anyone who is not an SEO purist places all these marketing methods under the SEM umbrella. All of them are methods for optimizing your web site for the audience that you’re trying to reach. And as social media grow in popularity, they’re going to be affected by and included in search engine results as well


Kali linux
Cracking password hashes is a magical black art, fundamental to Cyber Security. To understand password security, we need to understand hashing.So what is a hash? A hashing algorithm converts all passwords into a fixed length number. Even the addition of a single space totally alters the hash.
Each operating system hashes their passwords differently; therefore, the hashing algorithm needs to be identified in order to crack the password.Windows hashes are very weak compared to KALI Linux, which uses SHA512

facebook hacking
Raj Chandel started his career at a very young age of 18 since then he has performed the roles of experienced Ethical Hacker, Cyber Security Expert, and Penetration Tester. He has also served IT industry by taking care of Network Security, System Security, and SEM with a firsthand experience of 3 years in Web Development, Ethical Hacking and Internet marketing.


Security Guide
This book is designed to meet the needs of students and professionals who want to master practical
network and computer security. A basic knowledge of computers and networks is all that is required
to use this book. Those seeking to pass the CompTIA Security+ certification exam will find the
text’s approach and content especially helpful, because all Security+ SY0-301 exam objectives are
covered (see Appendix A). (For more information on Security+ certification, visit CompTIA’s Web
site at However, Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fourth
Edition is much more than an examination prep book; it also covers all aspects of network and
computer security while satisfying the Security+ objectives.
The book’s pedagogical features are designed to provide a truly interactive learning experience to
help prepare you for the challenges of network and computer security. In addition to the information
presented in the text, each chapter includes Hands-On Projects that guide you through implementing
practical hardware, software, network, and Internet security configurations step by step.
Each chapter also contains case studies that place you in the role of problem solver, requiring you
to apply concepts presented in the chapter to achieve successful solutions.


WordPress has continued to grow in both popularity and capability over the last few years, and has evolved from being an iconic blogging platform to a powerful content management system that hosts everything from personal blogs and fan sites to message boards and eCommerce sites. As you’ll discover,WordPress truly does have all of the tools and components you will need to get started with your blog. This new edition of WordPress for Beginners has been written by experts and enthusiasts in order to teach you how to set up an account, how the WordPress interface functions, and how to publish and customize your very first website. In addition, it will also take you through the
best themes and how to make them your own, plus great plug-ins that your blog simply shouldn’t be without. Enjoy the book!


Windows Registry
Whatever you do on your Windows PC, from installing software and apps, to using GPS hardware, creating 3D models, or intricate embedded security systems and games, the Registry is at the heart of what you do.
                                   Consequently, it’s the one common element that’s guaranteed to run through all
troubleshooting problems. This makes a good knowledge of what the Registry is, how it works, and how you can work with it, an essential skill for any support technician or IT pro. That’s where this book comes in. 
                        There have been other Windows troubleshooting books, but none have gone into as much detail about the Registry as you’ll find here.It’s not all dry technical code and complex structures, though. There are also a lot of fun and cool things you can do with the Registry to enhance your productivity and enjoyment of using your PC. In this book we’ve included over 60 of our favorite hints, tips,and tweaks for Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8.1.
                  With a good knowledge of the Registry—and there’s no better way to learn than to dive in with some hacks—you’ll be in a much better position to quickly diagnose and repair Windows and PC problems as you encounter them.


 hacking hacker
The intent of this book is to celebrate the world of computer security defenders by profiling some of the world’s best white hat hackers, defenders, privacy protectors, teachers, and writers.It’s my hope that you’ll walk away with a greater appreciation of the behind the scene efforts it took to give us the fantastic world of computers we live in today.Without all the good people on our side fighting against those who would do us harm, computers, the Internet, and everything connected to them would not be possible. This book is a celebration of the defenders.


haking firefox

About the Author

Mel Reyes, a veteran of technology and programming, is an avid fan and user of Firefox and all its predecessors. He programs in several languages, works with a variety of technologies, and runs, which provides free technology news, support, tips, and software. He works in several industries helping clients with web, desktop, and database application development.Mel can be reached by e-mail at


Common mistakes


         English mistakes are the things most learners make in study and practice. Learning the most typical mistakes may help students build considerable confidence, become error-free, and successful in using English.The book is well designed and written by an experienced teacher who has been teaching English for more than 20 years to make sure that all the mistakes inside are the most typical and useful for students at each level.
         As the author of this book, I believe that this book will be an indispensable reference and trusted guide for you who may want to learn from the most common mistakes in English vocabulary and grammar, so they could use English in a correct but natural way. Once you read this book, I guarantee you that you will have learned an extraordinarily wide range of useful, and practical English mistakes that will help you become a successful English learner, particularly in examinations such as  Cambridge FCE, CAE, CPE, and IELTS; as well as you will even become a successful English user in work and in life within a short period of time only.


The Art of SEO
Who Should Read This Book

People who are involved in SEO at any level should consider this book invaluable. This includes web developers, development managers, marketing people, and key business personnel. If SEO is not your profession, then this book may serve primarily as a reference. However, if you are or want to become an SEO practitioner, you will likely want to read it from cover to cover .
        After reading the entire text, a new SEO practitioner will have been exposed to all aspects of
the art of SEO and will have laid the necessary groundwork for beginning to develop his SEO expertise.
An experienced SEO veteran will find this volume useful as an extensive reference to support ongoing SEO engagements, both internally, within an in-house SEO group or SEO consultancy, and externally, with SEO clients. Finally, the book will serve as a refresher course for working SEO practitioners, from the novice to the professional.


Android Programming
What This Book Covers

The Android platforms have developed at an amazing pace. Even while writing this book, I had to change my original plans because Google kept coming out with new APIs, tools, and technologies for Android developers! While many of the examples in this book require a later version of Android, my assumption is that you are familiar with the different API levels and understand which Android version is required in each case.
          My goal is to discuss those aspects of Android that I believe are of value for developers. Some technologies were excluded, either because they aren’t “pushing the limits” or they wouldn’t add real value to the book. So, rather than being a collection of “recipes” for Android applications or an extensive walk through of all the features,each chapter goes into the deep technical details of their respective topic. Thus, rather than provide complete applications, I provide numerous pieces of substantial code that you can use to enhance your own applications.
         Depending on your experience, you might encounter some unfamiliar technologies. For example, Chapter 12 covers security issues and assumes a basic understanding of encryption and private/public keys, and Chapter 18 covers technologies such as USB communication, Bluetooth Low Energy, and WiFi Direct. But don’t worry.
    In such cases, I direct you to sources where you can find additional information. Each chapter has a Further Resources section where I’ve listed additional resources such as books and websites where you can find more information on the topics covered in each chapter.


So you want to be a hacker?

I bet you were sitting on your couch watching the movie Hackers from the early 1980’s with all the cool computer graphics, teens skateboarding around the city running from the cops and trying to steal millions of dollars from corrupt billion dollar companies that just care about what is in it for them
instead of the little people.
            Well, if this is your reason for wanting to become a hacker then I am sad to tell you the real world of a hacker isn’t like this. In fact, pretty much everything that you see in these movies is pure Hollywood and shouldn’t be
              The world of a hacker is not really as glorious and exciting as it is portrayed on television and in movies. The world and life of a hacker is a long and hard one, sitting in front of a computer screen trying to figure out problems.There is another group of people however known as “Crackers”. These
crackers are the group of individuals who go and do all of the malicious breakings into systems and causing havoc. Since the term Hackers was the term that stuck everyone that performs the actions that we will go over in this book are considered to be a hacker.
              In this book, I am going to go through many of the aspects of what it means to be a hacker. I am going to talk to you about many of the tools you need to learn, terms you need to be aware of such as white hat, gray hat and the infamous black hat mean. And finally, I am going to go over some of the good reasons you would want to become a hacker.
         So, if you are really looking for the truth of what it means to be a hacker sit back and start going through this book step by step. At the end of it you will know if the hacking life is for you.


Hacking gmail
About the Author
Armed only with a PowerBook and some fine pipe tobacco, Ben Hammersley is a journalist, writer, explorer, and an errant developer and explainer of semantic web technology. He’s also liable to spread his dirty, dirty words over at The Guardian.As an Englishman of the clichéd sort, Ben’s angle brackets always balance, and histweed is always pressed. He’s not worn trousers for six months now. Ask him about it sometime.
 Hacking Gmail?
              Of course, all that power just begs to be abused. Power corrupts, as they say,and hackers are nothing but a corrupt bunch: Almost as soon as Gmail was launched, hackers were looking at ways to use those capabilities for other purposes.They investigated the incredibly rich interface, and saw how much of the processing is done on the user’s own machine; they burrowed into the communication
between the browser and the server; and they developed a series of interfaces for scripting languages to allow you to control Gmail from your own programs.
                   This book shows what they did, how to do it yourself, and what to do after you’ve mastered the techniques. Meanwhile, you’ll also learn all about Ajax, the terribly fashionable JavaScript technique that Gmail brought into the mainstream. Two topics for the price of one!


Algorithms and parallel computing

There is a software gap between hardware potential and the performance that can be attained using today ’ s software parallel program development tools. The tools  need manual intervention by the programmer to parallelize the code. This book is intended to give the programmer the techniques necessary to explore parallelism in algorithms, serial as well as iterative.
           Parallel computing is now moving from the realm of specialized expensive systems available to few select groups to cover almost every computing system in use today. We can f nd parallel computers in our laptops, desktops, and embedded in our smart phones. The applications and algorithms targeted to parallel computers were traditionally conf ned to weather prediction,wind tunnel simulations, computational biology, and signal processing.Nowadays, just about any application that runs on a computer will encounter the parallel processors now available in almost every system.


Advanced Java Script
JavaScript is a scripting language designed to be used within HTML documents. For this reason a basic working knowledge of HTML is required before you can learn or use JavaScript. For those readers either lacking this basic knowledge or requiring a refresher course,Chapter 2 is a basic HTML primer that will teach you all of the skills you will need.
    As the title suggests,this book is geared towards advanced JavaScript programming and has the experienced JavaScript programmer in mind. However,the first few chapters do provide basic primers on both HTML and JavaScript. Those with limited JavaScript experience should carefully study the first few chapters,while more experienced programmers may want to skim these chapters or skip them entirely


C++ Programming

C++ Programming

C++ Unleashed is a survey of advanced topics in C++. The goal of this book is to provide a focused examination of each of these topics, covering the essential information you need to fully exploit the power of the C++ language.Many of the topics in this book deserve a book in their own right. Because it is not possible, given the available space, to cover every aspect of some of these subjects, the chapters in this book explain only what is most necessary for you to gain a working understanding of the technologies they describe.
                 Often, you will find that the information provided here is sufficient for your immediate needs. Even if that is not always the case, these chapters provide a useful foundation in these advanced issues that will allow you to quickly gain a more comprehensive understanding of them with further study.


CCNA Basics
Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Introduction to Networking
Chapter 2: Networking Fundamentals
Chapter 3: Networking Media
Chapter 4: Cable Testing
Chapter 5: Cabling LAN’s & WAN’s
Chapter 6: Ethernet Fundamentals
Chapter 7: Ethernet Technologies
Chapter 8: Ethernet Switching
Chapter 9: TCP and IP addressing
Chapter 10: Routing Fundamentals Subnets


kali linux social engineering
About the Author

Rahul Singh Patel is currently working as an independent security consultant in India. Among his many other responsibilities, he performs web application security assessments and penetration testing.Rahul started his journey in the world of computer hacking while still at school.
           He is very passionate about the subject of penetration testing and security research on chip-based security. Over the years, he has continued his attempts to keep himself up-to-date with the latest technology advancements in IT security.


Great English Grammar


Isabel Uys is well established as one of South Africa’s leading authorities on reference books, dictionaries and language aids. She has many years teaching experience and worked for five years as a book selector for The Western Cape Education Department. She has compiled numerous reference books, multilingual dictionaries and language aids. Many of them were best-sellers. She won two literary awards. Her first book was published in 1994 and is still in print (more than 24 updates). Her aim is to compile practical and useful books for children and adults.


DDos Attacks  Dhruba Kumar Bhattacharyya

Dhruba Kumar Bhattacharyya received his from Tezpur University in 1999 in cryptogra-
phy and error-control coding. He is a professor in Computer Science and Engineering at Tezpur Uni-
versity. Professor Bhattacharyya's research areas in-clude network security, data mining and bioinformatics. He has pub-lished more than 200 research articles in leading international journals
and peer-reviewed conference proceedings. Dr. Bhattacharyya has au-thored three technical reference books and edited eight technical vol-umes. Under his guidance, thirteen students have received their Ph.D.degrees in the areas of machine learning, bioinformatics and network security. He is Chief Investigator of several major research grants,including the Centre of Excellence, Tezpur University of Ministry of HRD, Government of India under Frontier Areas of Science and Tech-nology and Centre for Advanced Computing, Tezpur University funded by Ministry of IT, Government of India. He is on the editorial board of several international journals and has also been associated with several
international conferences.   

This book was written to help people that have most of the knowledge to get the job done but struggle when the tasks involve Excel. For several years, I have trained numerous employees and have compiled the necessary information that has assisted them in these situations. This book is not intended to be an advanced guide for those already versed in Excel. It is meant to be a quick
reference when completing a spreadsheet, for those new to Excel.I suggest you follow along with the examples while coming up with your own data to analyze. The basic data provided is a good start
to understand each instruction.


Linux and Hacking
Who is this book for?

Linux, Programming and Hacking for Beginners is an introductory book for readers keen to quickly learn more about each of these three topics. After reading the book and going through the examples readers will have acquired more than just a rudimentary knowledge of each topic. This knowledge can potentially be applied for further education, on a job or to further their knowledge discovery. The first part of the book, on Linux, focuses on teaching basic Linux commands. The second part focuses on programming. Basic syntax, algorithms and best practices are explained using several programming languages such as C, Java, Perl and Python while minor coding examples in half a dozen other languages are also detailed. The final part of the book, on hacking, gives an overview of how to perform penetration testing to test a system for vulnerabilities. Again the best practices are illustrated using examples. At the end of the text the reader may not be an expert in any of these
three fields, but the knowledge collates together as a critical mass readers can use to better judge their next step in exploring the field of Computers and Computer Science.


Excel Programming
This book was created to teach you how to use Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) to automate worksheet applications.
       It is a code book that was written to teach everyone, including people with zero experience in programming and people with decent programming knowledge, how to use and apply programming techniques to better interact with the users of your Microsoft Excel solutions in a more professional way.
             It uses some ready-made worksheet applications as practical examples of how you can produce solid,precise, and reliable worksheet applications based on VBA programming.
     First I’ll introduce you to the VBA environment and the language structure and show you some basic examples that will take you on a consistent journey through the Excel object model. All the proposed examples use VBA to teach you how to interact with the Excel object model and its many properties,methods, and events.
                As a basic strategy to teaching Excel VBA programming, this book uses the VBA Immediate window to first test each proposed Excel feature before showing how to use it in a code procedure. It is full of programming examples whose complexity grows from the book’s beginning to its end. This means it was written to be read one chapter at a time, with each chapter using the knowledge of previous chapters to provide a jump on your programmer skills.
        My teaching strategy is to show a User Form interface or code procedure step-by-step and to comment on all its instructions, one at a time, to give you a better understanding of how the VBA code can use good programming techniques to produce the desired result, with clear, concise, and reusable code.


Hacking is an interesting art form that requires a user to possess a solid understanding of how computers work.Many of us may be conditioned to regard a hacker as a criminal, someone who has
obtained unauthorized information and is using it in unethical ways to their own advantage. However, you may be surprised to discover that there is so much more to it than that. Sure, there are some unethical hackers that will engage in the behaviors described above, but there are many who will learn how to hack solely for the benign purpose of protecting themselves, their family members, or a business that they are associated with. There are also users who are attempting to gain access into an
unauthorized system simply because they are curious and not because they desire to engage in malicious activities or some type of sabotage.


Python and Hacking
About this eBook

Do you feel that the world we live in has been so engulfed in artificial technology that it is getting to a point you can barely relate? Do you ever wish you were a part of those that actually contribute to the development of these technologies but they seems so complicated that you would not know where to start? Well, congratulations on finding a starting point if you are a newbie to programming. There is no better way to start being a part of the solution (as opposed to being part of the ignorant masses) than by picking up this book and starting to learn to become a programmer.At Project Syntax, we are on a mission to equip everyone with the ability to write in computer language to make the machines solve our problems with less difficulty. This Python guide adopts a learn-first, then-understand approach to show you the incredible power of Python


windows 10 for dummies

About the Author

Peter Weverka is the best-selling author of many For Dummies books,including Office 2013 All-in-One For Dummies, as well as four dozen other books about various topics.Peter’s humorous articles and stories (not related to computers, thankfully) have appeared in Harper’s, SPY, and other magazines for grown-ups.

About This Book

Age is just a number. Windows 10 for Seniors is intended for anyone getting started with Windows 10 who wants step by- step instructions without a lot of discussion. Numerous figures with notes show you the computer screen as you progress through the steps.Reading this book is like having an experienced friend stand behind you as you use Windows 10 … someone who never takes control of the computer away from you.Windows 10 is a work in progress.Microsoft updates the Windows 10
operating system from time to time to make it more secure and agreeable to the people who use it. (Chapter 3 explains how to check for updates to Windows 10.) Because the operating system is continuously updated, the screen shots you see in this book may not exactly match what you see on
your screen.


Group Policy
 Kapil Arya is currently a Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) in the Windows and Devices
for IT category. He is Microsoft MVP since 2014 and is presently a Windows Insider MVP as well. He became a Microsoft Community Contributor due to his active and consistent contributions to the Microsoft Answers and Tech Net IT Pro forums over the last four years. Kapil loves to help Windows users to troubleshoot the various issues they face on their systems. He is very passionate about technology blogging and running his Windows-dedicated blog called Kapil Sparks™ ( ) since 2010. He also created a Group Policy site to learn and explore policy settings online; you can access it at 



Mathematics is a wonderful, elegant, and exceedingly useful language.It has its own vocabulary and syntax, its own verbs, nouns,and modifiers, and its own dialects and patois. It is used brilliantly
by some, poorly by others. Some of us fear to pursue its more esoteric uses, while a few of us wield it like a sword to attack and conquer income tax forms or masses of data that resist the less courageous. This book does not guarantee to turn you into a Leibniz,or put you on stage as a Professor Algebra, but it will, I hope,bring you a new, exciting, and even entertaining view of what can be done with that wonderful invention numbers.


Digital Signal Processing
Digital signal processing is an area of science and engineering that has developed rapidly over the past 30 years. This rapid development is a result of the significant advances in digital computer technology and integrated-circuit fabrication.The digital computers and associated digital hardware of three decades ago were relatively large and expensive and, as a consequence. their use was limited to
general-purpose non-real-time (off-line) scientific computations and business applications.
The rapid developments in integrated-circuit technology, starting with medium-scale integration (MSI) and progressing to large-scale integration (LSI).and now, very-large-scale integration (VLSI) of electronic circuits has spurredthe development of powerful. smaller. faster. and cheaper digital computers and special-purpose digital hardware. These inexpensive and relatively fast digital clrcuits
have made ir possible to construct highly sophisticated digital systems capable of performing complex disital signal processing functions and tasks, which are usually too difficult and/or too expensive to be performed by analog circuitry or analog signal processing systems. Hence many of the signal processing tasks that were conventionally performed by analog means are realized today by less expensive and often more reliable digital hardware.


English Grammar
Our goal in this book is to help you learn about English grammar in as simple and straightforward a way as possible. The book was inspired by our students, most of whom panic when we say words like adjective, subject, and passive. We believe that panic will be replaced by knowledge and confidence as readers work their way through this user friendly book.Who is this book for? It’s for anyone who needs or wants to understand English grammar.That includes readers who: (1) want to improve their writing; (2) are studying a foreign language; (3) are or want to be teachers; (4) are learning English as a second language; (5) are or want to be professionals such as speech^language pathologists and
attorneys; (6) are interested in how English works. The book is self-guided and selfpaced;
it can be used alone or as part of a course.
The workbook approach used here will move you beyond simply labeling words to an understanding of how the different pieces of a sentence ¢t together.To help you achieve this understanding, we resent information in small steps, with many opportunities to apply each new piece of information in exercises before you move on to the next step.

Fluent English

About the Book

Fluent English is a high intermediate-advanced-level course in English as a second or foreign language. It is designed to meet the needs of the intermediate-level student in vocabulary, grammar, listening comprehension, idiomatic usage, and pronunciation. It offers a great deal of practice in each of these areas, through both written exercises and recorded materials.
                          The language used in this course is realistic and practical, and the situations in each of its twenty lessons offer a cultural context that will be recognizable and relevant to most intermediate-level students of English.The course is divided into twenty lessons covering a range of topics from small talk and social situations, to telephones and business meetings, to computers, politics, and the Internet. Each lesson offers essential vocabulary related to its topic, as well as important phrasal verbs and idiomatic expressions that are typically challenging to the intermediate level student. The lessons are divided into ten sections, each of which focuses on a different English language skill

Listen to Me Listen to you
The New Expanded Edition of Listen to Me, Listen to You (Penguin, 2007) is a successful publication designed to help people improve their sense of self and ability to communicate with other people. However, some people prefer experiential learning to ‘book learning’, and group experience can deepen the learning process. We wrote this step-by-step guide for teachers, trainers, facilitators and others who are inspired to lead communication skills training based on Listen to Me, Listen to You.

C++ Programming

Welcome to C++! We’ve worked hard to create what we hope you’ll find to be an informative,
entertaining and challenging learning experience. C++ is a powerful computer
programming language that is appropriate for technically oriented people with little or no
programming experience and for experienced programmers to use in building substantial
information systems. C++ How to Program, Seventh Edition, is an effective learning tool
for each of these audiences.
The core of the book emphasizes achieving program clarity through the proven techniques
of object-oriented programming. We teach C++ features in the context of complete
working C++ programs and show the outputs produced when those programs are run on
a computer—we call this the live-code approach. You may download the example programs
The early chapters introduce the fundamentals of computers, computer programming
and the C++ computer programming language, providing a solid foundation for the
deeper treatment of C++ in the later chapters.
Most people are at least somewhat familiar with the exciting things computers do.
Using this textbook, you’ll learn how to command computers to do those things. Computers
(often referred to as hardware) are controlled by software (i.e., the instructions you
write to command the computer to perform actions and make decisions). C++ is one of
today’s most popular software development languages. This text provides an introduction
to programming in the version of C++ standardized in the United States through the
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and worldwide through the efforts of the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO).


C# 3.0

Who This Book Is For

We wrote Learning C# 3.0 for people with no programming experience at all. If you’re a student just starting to learn to program, this book is for you. If you have some experience with web design or system administration, and you want to learn about programming, this book is for you. 

                If you’re learning on your own because you want to know what this programming thing is all about, good for you! We’ll help you get there.If you already know another programming language, but you haven’t run into object oriented concepts yet, the material in Chapters 1 through 5 will probably be familiar to you in concept, even if you don’t recognize the syntax.
                 We recommend that you still read the first five chapters, but Chapter 6 is where it’ll get really interesting for you. If you’re familiar with C++, you’ll find a lot of the syntax in this book familiar,but there’s a lot that’s new as well (you can say goodbye to pointers, for one thing),so we suggest that you at least skim the early chapters. If have some experience with another language such as Visual Basic, Java, or Ruby, there’s a lot here that you’ll be familiar with, but with enough syntax differences to trip you up if you’re not careful.
                   If you’re proficient in another object-oriented language and you’re looking to pick up the changes as you transition to C#, we suggest you look into this book’s companion volume, Programming C# 3.0, by Jesse Liberty and Donald Xie. That book assumes that you have some programming experience already and ramps up to the complex stuff more quickly.


Java for Beginners
About JAVA

“Java refers to a number of computer software products and specifications from Sun Microsystems (the Java™ technology) that together provide a system for developing and deploying cross-platform applications. Java is used in a wide variety of computing platforms spanning from embedded devices and mobile phones on the low end to enterprise servers and super computers on the high end. Java is fairly ubiquitous in mobile phones, Web servers and enterprise applications, and somewhat less common in desktop applications, though users may have come across Java applets when browsing the Web.
Writing in the Java programming language is the primary way to produce code that will be deployed as Java bytecode, though there are compilers available for other languages such as JavaScript, Python and Ruby, and a native Java scripting language called Groovy. Java syntax borrows heavily from C and C++ but it eliminates certain low-level constructs such as pointers and has a very simple memory model where every object is allocated on the heap and all variables of object types are references. Memory management is handled through integrated automatic garbage collection performed by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).”1


The goal of this book is to share the art of hacking with everyone. Understanding hacking techniques
is often difficult, since it requires both breadth and depth of knowledge. Many hacking texts seem esoteric and confusing because of just a few gaps in this prerequisite education. This second edition of Hacking: The Art of Exploitation makes the world of hacking more accessible by providing the complete picture—from programming to machine code to exploitation. In addition, this edition features a bootable LiveCD based on Ubuntu Linux that can be used in any computer with an x86 processor, without modifying the computer’s existing OS. This CD contains all the source code in the book and provides a development and exploitation environment you can use to follow along with the book’s examples and experiment along the way.


Wireshark for security Professionals
Welcome to Wireshark for Security Professionals. This was an exciting book for us to write. A combined effort of a few people with varied backgrounds spanning information security, software development,and online virtual lab development and teaching this book should appeal and relate to many people. Wireshark is the tool for capturing and analyzing network traffic.Originally named Ethereal but changed in 2006, Wireshark is well established and respected among your peers. But you already knew that,or why would you invest your time and money in this book? What you're really here for is to delve into how Wireshark makes your job easier and your skills more effective.


Dynamic Networks & Cyber Security

The contents of this volume are contributions from invited speakers at a workshop entitled “Dynamic Graphs and Cyber Security,” hosted at the University of Bristol in June 2015.We are grateful for the generous support of the Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research,a which is a national institute based in the Faculty of Science at the University of Bristol with diverse interests that include cyber security. Additionally, we are pleased to acknowledge the generous support of Winton Technology Ventures, which enabled the organisers to support the attendance and contribution to the workshop from early career researchers.Networks have been the subject of extensive study in the last decade
and much progress has been made in both theory and applications. However,the topic of dynamic networks, in which nodes, edges, or both, exhibit temporal properties has not been extensively studied. Motivated by cyber security and particularly network cyber security, this workshop was convened to align cutting edge research in the theory of dynamic networks with real problems in cyber security. Superficially, data related to computer network traffic can be represented by a network, where devices (computers, printers, phones, etc.) are nodes, and communications are edges. However,these communications have finite temporal extent. Ignoring these temporal aspects is perilous. As chapters in this volume show, the behavior of attackers can often manifest as localized phenomena, both in the graph and in time. Principled methods for capturing these latter properties have great potential for generating next generation cyber security tools.


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