Dynamic Networks and Cyber-Security by Niall Adams Nick Heard

Dynamic Networks & Cyber Security

The contents of this volume are contributions from invited speakers at a workshop entitled “Dynamic Graphs and Cyber Security,” hosted at the University of Bristol in June 2015.We are grateful for the generous support of the Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research,a which is a national institute based in the Faculty of Science at the University of Bristol with diverse interests that include cyber security. Additionally, we are pleased to acknowledge the generous support of Winton Technology Ventures, which enabled the organisers to support the attendance and contribution to the workshop from early career researchers.Networks have been the subject of extensive study in the last decade
and much progress has been made in both theory and applications. However,the topic of dynamic networks, in which nodes, edges, or both, exhibit temporal properties has not been extensively studied. Motivated by cyber security and particularly network cyber security, this workshop was convened to align cutting edge research in the theory of dynamic networks with real problems in cyber security. Superficially, data related to computer network traffic can be represented by a network, where devices (computers, printers, phones, etc.) are nodes, and communications are edges. However,these communications have finite temporal extent. Ignoring these temporal aspects is perilous. As chapters in this volume show, the behavior of attackers can often manifest as localized phenomena, both in the graph and in time. Principled methods for capturing these latter properties have great potential for generating next generation cyber security tools.


The contents of this volume are contributions from invited speakers at a workshop entitled “Dynamic Graphs and Cyber Security,” hosted at the University of Bristol in June 2015.


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