Wireless Communications and Networks lecture notes

wcn lecturer notes
The Cellular Concept-System Design Fundamentals: Introduction, Frequency Reuse, Channel Assignment Strategies, Handoff Strategies- Prioritizing Handoffs, Practical Handoff Considerations, Interference and system capacity — Co channel Interference and system capacity, Channel planning for Wireless Systems, Adjacent Channel interference , Power Control for Reducing interference, Trunking and Grade of Service, Improving Coverage & Capacity in Cellular Systems- Cell Splitting, Sectoring.
UNIT—II Mobile Radio Propagation: Large-Scale Path Loss: Introduction to Radio Wave Propagation, Free Space Propagation Model, Relating Power to Electric Field, The Three Basic Propagation Mechanisms, Reflection- Reflection from Dielectrics, Brewster Angle, Reflection from prefect conductors, Ground Reflection (Two-Ray) Model, Diffraction-Fresnel Zone Geometry, Knife-edge Diffraction Model, Multiple knife-edge Diffraction, Scattering, Outdoor Propagation Models- Longley-Ryce Model, Okumura Model, Hata Model, PCS Extension to Hata Model, Walfisch and Bertoni Model, Wideband PCS Microcell Model, lndoor Propagation Models-Partition losses (Same Floor), Partition losses between Floors, Log-distance path loss model, Ericsson Multiple Breakpoint Model, Attenuation Factor Model, Signal penetration into buildings, Ray Tracing and Site Specific Modeling.
UNIT —III Mobile Radio Propagation: Small —Scale Fading and Multipath: Small Scale Multipath propagation-Factors influencing small scale fading, Doppler shift, Impulse Response Model of a multipath channel- Relationship between Bandwidth and Received power, Small-Scale Multipath Measurements-Direct RF Pulse System, Spread Spectrum Sliding Correlator Channel Sounding, Frequency Domain Channels Sounding, Parameters of Mobile Multipath Channels-Time Dispersion Parameters, Coherence Bandwidth, Doppler Spread and Coherence Time, Types of Small-Scale Fading-Fading effects Due to Multipath Time Delay Spread, Flat fading, Frequency selective fading, Fading effects Due to Doppler Spread-Fast fading, slow fading, Statistical Models for multipath Fading Channels-Clarke’s model for flat fading, spectral shape due to Doppler spread in Clarke’s model, Simulation of Clarke and Gans Fading Model, Level crossing and fading statistics, Two-ray Rayleigh Fading Model.
UNIT -IV Equalization and Diversity: Introduction, Fundamentals of Equalization, Training A Generic Adaptive Equalizer, Equalizers in a communication Receiver, Linear Equalizers, Non-linear Equalization-Decision Feedback Equalization (DFE), Maximum Likelihood Sequence Estimation (MLSE) Equalizer, Algorithms for adaptive equalization-Zero Forcing Algorithm, Least Mean Square Algorithm, Recursive least squares algorithm. Diversity Techniques-Derivation of selection Diversity improvement, Derivation of Maximal Ratio Combining improvement, Practical Space Diversity Consideration-Selection Diversity, Feedback or Scanning Diversity, Maximal Ratio Combining, Equal Gain Combining, Polarization Diversity, Frequency Diversity, Time Diversity, RAKE Receiver.
UNIT -V Wireless Networks: Introduction to wireless Networks, Advantages and disadvantages of Wireless Local Area Networks, WLAN Topologies, WLAN Standard IEEE 802.11 ,IEEE 802.11 Medium Access Control, Comparision of IEEE 802.11 a,b,g and n standards, IEEE 802.16 and its enhancements, Wireless PANs, Hiper Lan, WLL.
TEXT BOOKS 1. Wireless Communications, Principles, Practice — Theodore, S.Rappaport, 2nd Ed., 2002, PHI. 2. Wireless Communications-Andrea Goldsmith, 2005 Cambridge University Press. 3. Mobile Cellular Communication — Gottapu Sasibhushana Rao, Pearson Education, 2012. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Principles of Wireless Networks — Kaveh Pah Laven and P. Krishna Murthy, 2002, PE 2. Wireless Digital Communications — Kamilo Feher, 1999, PHI. 3. Wireless Communication and Networking — William Stallings, 2003,PHI. 4. Wireless Communication — Upen Dalal, Oxford Univ. Press 5. Wireless Communications and Networking — Vijay K. Gary, Elsevier.

The Cellular Concept-System Design Fundamentals: Introduction, Frequency Reuse, Channel Assignment Strategies, Handoff Strategies- Prioritizing Handoffs, Practical Handoff Considerations, Interference and system


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