JNTUH Signals and Systems Lecturer Notes

Signal and Systems notes

JNTUH B.Tech Signals and Systems R13 Syllabus



This is a center difficulty, simple understanding of that's required by using all of the engineers.
This path specializes in:

To get an in-depth knowledge approximately indicators, systems and evaluation of the equal the usage of diverse transforms.

Signal Analysis and Fourier Series

Signal Analysis: Analogy between Vectors and Signals, Orthogonal Signal Space, Signal approximation the use of Orthogonal functions, Mean Square Error, Closed or complete set of Orthogonal capabilities, Orthogonality in Complex capabilities, Exponential and Sinusoidal alerts, Concepts of Impulse function, Unit Step characteristic, Signum characteristic.

Fourier Series: Representation of Fourier series, Continuous time periodic alerts, Properties of Fourier Series, Dirichlet’s conditions, Trigonometric Fourier Series and Exponential Fourier Series, Complex Fourier spectrum.


Fourier Transforms and Sampling

Fourier Transforms: Deriving Fourier Transform from Fourier Series, Fourier Transform of arbitrary sign, Fourier Transform of wellknown indicators, Fourier Transform of Periodic Signals, Properties of Fourier Transform, Fourier Transforms involving Impulse characteristic and Signum function, Introduction to Hilbert Transform.

Sampling: Sampling theorem – Graphical and analytical proof for Band Limited Signals, Typers of Sampling - Impulse Sampling, Natural and Flat top Sampling, Reconstruction of signal from its samples, Effect of below sampling – Aliasing, Introduction to Band Pass sampling.


Signal Transmission Through Linear Systems: Linear System, Impulse response, Response of a Linear System, Linear Time Invariant (LTI) System, Linear Time Variant (LTV) System, Transfer function of a LTI gadget, Filter traits of Linear Systems, Distortion much less transmission thru a system, Signal bandwidth, System bandwidth, Ideal LPF, HPF and BPF characteristics, Causality and Paley-Wiener criterion for physical attention, Relationship among Bandwidth and Rise time.


Convolution and Correlation of Signals: Concept of convolution in Time area and Frequency domain, Graphical illustration of Convolution, Convolution assets of Fourier Transforms, Cross Correlation and Auto Correlation of capabilities, Properties of Correlation function, Energy density spectrum, Parseval’s Theorem, Power density spectrum, Relation among Auto Correlation characteristic and Energy/Power spectral density characteristic, Relation between Convolution and Correlation, Detection of periodic indicators in the presence of Noise by Correlation, Extraction of signal from noise by using filtering.


Laplace Transforms and Z-Transforms

Laplace Transforms: Review of Laplace Transforms (L.T), Partial fraction expansion, Inverse Laplace Transform, Concept of Region of Convergence (ROC) for Laplace Transforms, Constraints on ROC for various classes of alerts, Properties of L.T, Relation between L.T and F.T of a signal, Laplace Transform of sure signals using waveform synthesis.

Z–Transforms: Fundamental difference between Continuous and Discrete time indicators, Discrete time sign illustration the usage of Complex exponential and Sinusoidal additives, Periodicity of Discrete time sign the use of complex exponential sign, Concept of Z- Transform of a Discrete Sequence, Distinction between Laplace, Fourier and Z Transforms, Region of Convergence in Z-Transform, Constraints on ROC for various instructions of alerts, Inverse Z-transform, Properties of Z-transforms.


Signals, Systems & Communications - B.P. Lathi, 2013, BSP.
Signals and Systems - A.V. Oppenheim, A.S. Willsky and S.H. Nawab, 2 Ed., PHI.

Signals & Systems - Simon Haykin and Van Veen,Wiley, 2 Ed.
Signals and Signals – Iyer and K. Satya Prasad, Cengage Learning
Signals and Systems – A.Rama Krishna Rao – 2008, TMH.
Introduction to Signal and System Analysis – K.Gopalan 2009, Cengage Learning.
Fundamentals of Signals and Systems - Michel J. Robert, 2008, MGH International Edition.
Signals, Systems and Transforms - C. L. Philips, J.M.Parr and Eve A.Riskin, 3 Ed., 2004, PE.
Course Outcomes:

Upon completing this direction the student can be capable of:

Represent any arbitrary signals in phrases of complete units of orthogonal features and is aware the principles of impulse capabilities, step characteristic and signum feature.
Express periodic signals in terms of Fourier collection and express the spectrum and specific the arbitrary signal (discrete) as Fourier remodel to draw the spectrum.
Understands the principle of linear gadget, filter out traits of a system and its bandwidth, the principles of car correlation and cross correlation and energy Density Spectrum.
Can design a machine for sampling a sign.
For a given machine, response may be acquired the usage of Laplace transform, properties and ROC of L.T.
Study the non-stop and discrete signal relation and relation among F.T., L.T. & Z.T, homes, ROC of Z Transform.


Analogy between Vectors and Signals, Orthogonal Signal Space, Signal approximation the use of Orthogonal functions, Mean Square Error, Closed or complete set of Orthogonal capabilities


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